Brakes Designed for Severe Duty Applications

Dynamic Stopping Brakes – Not Just Holding Brakes
Oil Shear Technology Reduces Maintenance and Eliminates Adjustment

Posistop Air/Hydraulic Motor Brakes

  • Torque 6 Lb. Ft. to 2,030 Lb. Ft.
  • Fit NEMA 56 to 449T motor frames
  • Spring Set – Air or Hydraulic Release
  • IEC and Custom flange available
  • Collet style quill for 360 º shaft connection
  • Washdown, Marine and Hazardous Duty Options
  • Can also be furnished as an assembled brake motor

Posistop X-Class Air/Hydraulic Motor Brakes

  • Torque 4 Lb. Ft. to 300 Lb. Ft.
  • Spring Set – Air or Hydraulic Release
  • Fit NEMA Frame 56 to 286T motor frames
  • IEC and Custom flange available
  • Clamped-Split-Quill saves motor shaft and keyway
  • Washdown, Marine and Hazardous Duty Options
  • Can also be furnished as an assembled brake motor

Posistop Air/Hydraulic Foot Mounted Brakes

  • Torque 6 Lb. Ft. to 2,030 Lb. Ft.
  • Fit NEMA 56 to 449T motor frames
  • Spring Set – Air or Hydraulic Release
  • IEC and Custom flange available
  • Collet style quill for 360 º shaft connection
  • Washdown, Marine and Hazardous Duty Options
  • Can also be furnished as an assembled brake motor

High Reliability – Low Maintenance Braking

Designed with Oil Shear Technology the Posistop and MagnaShear Motor Brakes are dynamic stopping brakes designed to mount on the back of a brake motor. They can survive the harsh environments of mining, manufacturing, material handling as well as packaging and food processing with minimal maintenance and no adjustment-ever. The totally enclosed rugged housings keep dirt and moisture out while reducing noise and extracting heat.

Oil Shear Technology reduces the contact between friction disc and drive plates by providing a film of transmission fluid between the parts. This delivers a smooth quiet torque for precise stopping while greatly reducing wear and eliminating adjustment requirements for the life of the brake. Designed based on 40 million cycles service life has proven to be 5 – 10 times that of ordinary dry friction brakes.

These brakes come in many styles such as motor brakes, coupler brakes, assembled brake motors, and foot or flanged mounted and air, hydraulic, or electric actuation.

  • Up to 10 times longer life
  • Minimal Maintenance Cost
  • No Adjustment – Ever!
  • Electric, Air, or Hydraulic Actuation
  • Dust, Dirt, and Moisture Proof
  • Washdown, Marine and Hazardous
  • Standard or Custom Mounting
  • Spring Set Safety or Pressure Set

Low Maintenance – No Adjustment Over the Life of the Brake

Posistop Pneumatic Motor Brakes

The Posistop Motor and Coupler Brakes are designed for long life with minimal maintenance in severe and critical applications. They are typically furnished as spring set, pressure release brakes however pressure set spring release is available in some models. The multiple disc design reduces inertia of the brake putting less load on the motor and improves efficiency each cycle.

Posistop motor brakes are designed to mount to the back of brake motors, and the coupler brakes are designed to mount to the drive end of the motor, often between the motor and reducer. Coupler brakes can also be used on servo motors.

  • Up to 10 times longer life
  • Minimal Maintenance
  • No Adjustment – Ever!
  • Air or Hydraulic Actuation
  • Horizontal or Vertical Mounting
  • Dust, Dirt, and Moisture Proof

Five model sizes offer torque from 6 Lb. Ft. to 2,030 Lb. Ft. and fit 56 frame up to 440 frame motors. Special flanges mountings can be furnished such as IEC, servo, or other flange sizes.

The standard shaft connection is a quill using a tapered collet providing a 360º clamped connection. Other quills are available including splined and bore and keyway.

The totally enclosed sealed housing eliminates dust, dirt, moisture, and fumes from causing internal damage. Also using an hazardous duty valve the Posistop brakes can be used in hazardous environments.

Posistop brakes are designed as dynamic brakes, in other words they can dynamically stop a load as well as hold it. The high thermal capacity allows higher cycle rates, and heavier loads.

The secret to the long life and minimal maintenance is Oil Shear Technology. Utilizing transmission fluid circulating through the disc stack the friction surfaces are protected from mechanical contact during dynamic engagement and the heat is removed via the fluid to the housing to be cooled. This nearly eliminates friction disc wear. The friction stack is typically not replaced as a regular wear item but only during rebuild. Because there is virtually no wear there is no need to adjust the brake for wear as is necessary with dry friction competitors. By reducing friction disc wear, removing heat, and lubricating the internal components, up to 10 times longer life can be expected without constant adjustment and repair.



The Posistop brakes are inherently hazardous duty rated. Air actuation can be used with air motors or hazardous duty rated electric motors. A hazardous duty valve which is readily available is used with the hazardous duty brakes.


Transmission fluid is circulated through an external oil-to-air heat exchanger (oil-to-water is available), through a filter and back into the unit. This system provides the ultimate life for the brake in addition to handling extremely high thermal loads.


C-Face mounting to the input end of a gearbox is used when the motor may be connected through another part of the drive train.


Hot transmission fluid from the friction stack is circulated through the reservoir, heat exchanger, filter, and back through the output shaft providing cooling for continuous slip applications.


Modifications include Steel It epoxy coatings on the housing, stainless steel fittings, nickel plated shafts, and non corrosive breathers and sight gauge.


An air actuated brake may be a good solution for heavy duty servo drives when severe braking is required. It has extremely quick response, and is able to handle high cycle dynamic stops.


The manifold mounted valve improves response time, positioning accuracy and reduces installation time. Particularly useful for high precision applications.